Published May 02, 2020 by with 0 comment

Changes: Moving On When You Are Stuck!

As a Christian, you must make God the central focus of your life. And  so when you want to make total life changesit is through the Power and the Will of God that you do so. That is why as a Christian, your focus should always be on the direction God gives you.

Making life changing decisions maybe quite easy. You can tell yourself that you want to add more variety to your life. You can say that you want to shift your attention more to what you want and not what others want.

But as most often happens, sometimes you are stuck on how to effectively proceed and drive that change that you want towards you. And there could be so many reasons why you are stuck when you want that change.

 Here are a few reason that may get you stuck where you are and prevent you from moving on.


Indecision always sets in the moment you decide you want to do something to change something. And it always happens when you are poised to bring changes that will have a positive impact on your life.

A simple example to illustrate what indecision can do is  Sunday Mass service. Sunday comes and then you can't decide if going is better or if staying home and relaxing yourself would be much better.

You are constantly seeking to find out what will benefit you more and what would be a waste of time doing. Relaxing yourself knowing you would recover from a week of stress, may come readily to your mind.

Comfort zone

You are comfortable with your life as it is. Or even if you are not you derive comfort.  And even though you crave change, you seem content with where you are and what you have. You feel that moving on will upset this balance.

Fear of starting over again

The fear of having to start all over again may simply be blocking you from moving on. And so you remain stuck in your position as you might be thinking, "what if I'm moving into something worse, something that won't benefit me?"

Why sometimes you need to get up and move

There are moments in life when  you need to take drastic life changing decisions to save a situation.  And this requires you to keep your indecision aside, get up from your comfort zone and abandon all fears. 

God has a way of preparing His people against a possible disaster to their life and health and well-being. In such times he always forewarns his people of impending disasters, incidents or similar unpleasant occurrences. And he does it by sending someone to them, just like he sent Moses to the children of Isreal. Or giving them instructions through dreams or through people.

 Just like he gave instructions to Isaiah to move on and go to the brook Cherith. The prophet Isaiah obeyed and made the right move to go there. Everyday just as He Our Lord told Isaiah to get and act on His word and move on.

He is always instructing us to do the same thing with our lives and to do so in the direction that He has mapped out for us.We have to move on with our lives no matter the circumstances that is holding us down. 

To most people, it makes no sense to proceed because they are currently stuck in their circumstances and they don’t think there is a way out for them anymore. Life as they are living it has nothing more to offer beyond what they are currently experiencing. 

But as Christians, if God has a plan for us then surely that plan is meant for our

 1) Salvation
2) Deliverance
3) Protection 

4) Prosperity

If God has a plan for us then it means He has seen our plight  and is ready to make changes for us.

When He saw the plight of the children of Isreal in Egypt,It touched Him so much He deviced a plan of salvation. He then chose Moses as His messenger to speak to Pharaoh of Egypt to convince him to let the children of Isreal leave Egypt.

Exodus 3 verse 7 describes in clear terms how God felt about the plight
 of the children of Isreal,

          And the Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which
           are in Egypt,and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters;
                                      for I know their sorrows;

God knew what they were going through and decided they had had enough. It was time for them to come out of their sufferings and move on to a better life. 

In verse 8 He makes His intentions clear,

   And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians,
       and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large,
             unto a land flowing with milk and honey……”

With God a plan of salvation always comes with a plan of deliverance a plan of protection and a plan of  prosperity. If salvation is to come to the Christian,

 then the Christian must accept to come up and out of their circumstances and be ready to fight for the changes that they want in their life.

It was hard for the children of Isreal to leave Egypt. But God had already decided it was time for them to leave. And when they left God put to work His 4-part plan. Much like the children of Isreal had a hard time leaving Egypt,

 the land in which they lived in bondage, most people also have a hard time giving up, leaving or moving away from the current troubling situation in which they dwell .

It could be moving away from a neighborhood you’ve lived in for so long. It could be ending a relationship that has caused so much pain and suffering. It could also mean giving up something of value held for so long that only brings back memory of past unpleasant situations. 

But it could also mean giving up on a few unhealthy habits that have caused you so much ill-health.The decision to move on is a strong decision to make.If you feel that your current situation cannot change no matter what you have done or how hard you have tried,

 then ask yourself this one question;
What does God's plan for your change involve?

When God told Moses he knew about the plight of the Children of Isreal in Egypt and that He was going to do something about it, He had already devised His plan of salvation for them.This is how God works. 

He doesn’t just let his people move away from their current troubling situation.

Before He does that He has already worked out a plan of salvation for them. And that plan of salvation always includes a plan of prosperity in the end. Christians must prosper God’s way. Salvation must come to the troubled Christian who feels there is no way out for him. 

But the only way to understand what the plan of salvation is for the Christian is, is to constantly turn to God for guidance. 

Meditate on the following prayer 

 "Thank You Heavenly Father for letting me know that you have
  a plan of salvation for me.

Thank you that in this plan is included a plan of deliverance, a plan of protection and a plan of prosperity.

Oh Lord I pray let this plan of salvation start to manifest in my life now and move me to where you want me to be in Jesus Mighty name."



Resources: How do Christians understand prosperity? Find out!



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