Published May 07, 2019 by with 0 comment

The Hour Of Prayer

The hour of prayer is the time you need to set aside to go into a deep and well organized communications with God. Yes, your prayer time is a quiet moment that needs no interference from anyone or anything.

 It is just you kneeling down or standing up  in a quiet place all by yourself and praying to God for the many things you want done in your life. And there are  

LOTS and LOTS things you really want done! So take your time and pray. God always answers prayers even when you think He doesn't.

     As christians, our time with God is the most precious moment we can have. That moment when we are pouring out our thoughts in prayers and our hearts in  meditation is part of what the christian way of life involves. We need to communicate with God as much as we can. 

We need to know Him and believe in what He can do for us through faith when we turn to Him in prayer. He is always on our side even when we stray away from Him.  We must have faith in Him at all times.

The christian life is an interesting life. it is a life based on Bible principles. The Bible is the handbook for the christian. A handbook of do's and don'ts that the christian-man or woman, must observe if he or she wants a life filled with 

abundance,prosperity, salvation,deliverance and protection from adversities. It is the book of instructions upon which the christian life  must be built if the christian is to survive.

The hour of prayer is your time with God. It is the time you dedicate to really communicating more personally with God through prayer. Prayer then becomes necessary as the only way we can reach  out to Him. 

This means that our prayers must be more than doing the sign of the cross for a few seconds and then we are done!  Praying to God so that He can hear us and answer our prayers  means

1)  Spending more time praying

    If prayer is essential for the Christian life, then time must be really spent in prayer and meditation. However you choose to pray, make it a habit of really praying deeply or in the "spirit" so that your prayer will be heard. Spending a few minutes and doing the sign of the cross may just not be enough.

2) Your prayers must be focused so as to get them answered.
   Focus is important when you want to get anything done or when you have set down goals of achievement. Prayer needs focusing to get the results that you hope for. You have problems but you also need things to work out in your life. Are you focusing your prayers on the things that you need or don't need in your life?

3) Your prayers must be intense so as make a big impact in the spiritual realm

     Where things happen out of sight is in the realm of the spirit. And it is in this place that your prayer should make the greatest impact. if your prayer is not shaking the spiritual realm to make the changes you want in your life, then you may need to really pray harder!

If as a christian you have not been strong in prayer, then now is the time for you to change all of that. Now is the time to take your prayer life seriously. You have nothing to lose but a lot to gain. With your prayers intense and focused you, will see marked differences in your life.

The Hour of prayer is simply about praying intensively and being more focused in your prayers. You are the one to pray your problems away as you won't need a prophet to do it for you. You are the ones to open all the doors of blessing and prosperity,  

and you are the ones to pray away every problem that  you might be having in your life. Everything you need to experience a true prayer life will be given to you bit by bit. So hang on with your very first prayer



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