Published August 19, 2022 by with 0 comment

Reflecting on Matthew 5:16


                                  Start your day by reflecting on this verse

                                                      MATTHEW 5 vs 16

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." KJV

Matthew 5 vs 16 is a powerful reminder of how much power the good Lord has given us to use to make a difference in the life of others. And so no matter at what stage you are in life, just remember that you are a light that can shine and bring hope to others.

The Mission

As Christians, we are tasked with the responsibility of uplifting others in such a way that can turn their life around. You are the lamp that is lit and placed upon the table so that it can give light to the whole house.

At the same time, you are like a city on a hill that cannot be hidden. Such is your responsibility before Christ such that  even if you will not be rewarded by men., your Heavenly Father will pour upon you, your family and your activities blessings that you least expect.

Your good deeds can help others

The power you have to move mountains can be used positively to turn around difficult situations that are taking place in other people's life. Life comes with experience that are both positive and negative.

And while we cherish the positive experiences, for most people facing difficulties is something they cannot withstand. This attitude of being unable to withstand the pressures that come from passing through hard times discourages most people from pushing forward in life.

With your good deeds you can help turn their life around by giving them hope, encouragement and a sense of purpose. Many, due to situations they do not quite grasp, are in a position where they are struggling to make sense of what is happening to them.

Being there to support them in trying to understand their particular situation can help them find solutions that will alter their life situation.

Reflect on the words 

Today, you have the opportunity to reflect on the verse and be enlightened about how you too can reach out to others positively. Reaching out to others can mean having a family member who is passing through a difficult moment. 

A colleague who is having a hard time with the boss might need your support in helping them understand how best to get along with them. The situation you can find yourself in where you have a chance to be a light in the life of others are many and varied. And you can start today by reflecting on the verse of the day, which is a three-part process. Let's break it down,

Let your light so shine before men: This is the first part of Matthew 5 vs 16, and it gives a clear indication on how you must behave towards men. You must be a light that shines, which simply means that you must do good deeds. 

Doing good deeds is requested of all Christians and non, towards fellow men and women because we are all part of the human race. It is our biggest responsibility and one that we must do with continuing frequency.

That they may see your good works: Once you shine your light before men, by showing your good deeds, they will realize that there is something special about you. This is the power within you that touches them and makes them realize that for you to do good deeds you must have them mind of Christ. When this happens they will do one thing and that is to,

Glorify your father which is in heaven: Giving praise to your Heavenly Father for the grace he has on men due to your presence as a light in their life is what  follows next. This is a phase in which you may not be rewarded for your good works, even with a  “Thank You”. But you should not be worried because the good Lord will reward you in ways you least imagine.


Have you recently been touched by someone's situation and wanted to lend a helping hand? You may have thought about how best to proceed, but were undecided. Don't worry, it sometimes happens. 

However, by reflecting on Matthew 5 vs 16, you can decide how best to be the light that can shine in their life and give them the hope and the encouragement that they need to sail through the pressing situation in which they find themselves.

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